7Kayla truly loves her mother in law for the selfless act
Kayla feels she really has a good mother in law “Most people don’t like their mother-in-law, but I’ve got a good one,” Resecker felt she was blessed beyond what she could conceive of being given this opportunity to carry her grandchild.
Image Source: www.womansday.com
8Kayla posted on social media that invited a huge reaction
Kayla took to Facebook posting on the “Love what matters” page saying how grateful she was for her kind mother in law. She mentioned “Our kid is going to know that he/she was so loved; she added that his grandmother was willing to go through the entire pregnancy process involving injections, multiple tests, blood tests and nine months of a pregnancy to get him here.
Image Source: www.texarkanagazette.com
9Great news and the new addition to the family
The couple received the most remarkable news after 7 months when their little baby boy, Kross Allen Jones was delivered through a caesarian section. Kayla said she was amazed by the miracle that she was given.
Image Source: www.boredpanda.com