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Weirdest Game Shows That Only Exist In Japan

By Ashish Ranjan, 19 January 2018


There are many bizarre game shows which are being played in Japan. The Japanese game shows put the contestant in very embarrassing and extremely brutal situations. There are borderline-torturous physical challenges, eccentric yet degrading costumes, bright colors and flashing lights in these Japanese game shows. These game shows are very entertaining and horrifyingly insane at the same time. Here are the 12 of the most bizarre game shows from Japan.

1Candy or not candy


Candy or not candy

Image Source: imgur.com

The challenge of this game show to identify what they are going to eat whether that is a candy or the everyday object. The objects that can be offered to eat can be a shoe as well. There is an art form which is known as sokkuri which is used to make candies resembling a shoe to a doorknob. The contestants have no choice but to take a bite into it.

Candy or not candy1

Image Source: imgur.com




Image Source: www.providr.com

The contestants of this game shows are required to solve puzzles. That may look very easy but they are also put under very stressful situations to solve the puzzle. The show makes sure that the contestants are constantly under pressure. The game show also put them in a position to balance themselves on retracting plank or into a room which is being filled with water at a fast pace.


Image Source: www.providr.com




Image Source: kotaku.com

The Japanese game shows are very challenging. The contestants are always under pressure to answer the questions correctly. The wrong answer may lead to truly peculiar punishments. In this game, the contestants are required to answer seven questions correctly else they are mummified and placed in a tomb.


Image Source: kenh14.vn

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