4Augustine Lighthouse, Florida
This lighthouse has got infamous at the time of the Civil War when the light got taken out to disrupt Union shipping — additionally to various tragic results. But, the visitors have said to have seen a friendly ghost inside that place.

Image Source: www.staugustinelighthouse.org
5Poveglia Island, Venice Italy
Poveglia is a beautiful island situated in Venice. In 20 century, this island was used as the asylum. Hence, lots of paranormal activities are being observed at this place.

Image Source: www.pinterest.com
6Ancient Ram Inn, Wotton-under-Edge, England
This is one of the oldest Inn, which once was believed to be burial ground. This place is haunted by 20 spirits including ghost children.

Image Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
7Port Arthur, Australia
Port Arthur is Australia’s most well-known heritage and open-air museum. But it's all together a different scenario as the sun sets. The flickering of lantern lights is observed which makes you believe the presence of supernatural powers in this place.

Image Source: www.gettyimages.com