13When you’re desperately trying to reach that one sock left in the washer
And it’s right at the bottom and try as you might you just can’t reach it till you tilt and almost end up in the washer itself.

Image Source: postbaku.net
14When sitting on your bed makes you feel like a kid
Especially when your legs dangle and it may be nostalgic but it also makes you feel weird that this is real and you’re short and your legs aren’t reaching the ground what the.

Image Source: yookartik.com
15And the same thing happens even on the toilet
Don’t you wish they made toilets for smaller people or simply hate a toilet that has been made too high? This could happen at home too. Well, thankfully you may have a stool at home but outside is different matter.

Image Source: buzzfeed.com
16When that particular ingredient you need is on the top shelf
Now where did I put the paprika…..crap…Crap…crap. Doesn’t this happen all the time, just when you are about to cook something and the important ingredients are all on top.

Image Source: in.pinterest.com
17And then there are the expert comments
What the hell is your problem, if a gal is short she’s short, ask yourself why are you so tall, ever thought about it that way??

Image Source: onsizzle.com
18You need a guy who is strong
Has this happened to you at any time when your guy is kind and sweet enough to hoist you on his shoulders just so you can browse what’s on the top shelf? There may be problems that short girls have to deal with but it has its perks too.

Image Source: .favim.com