5Leo (July 23 - August 22), Han Solo
Among Zodiac Star Wars characters, Leos are pushed by drive and more drive. They are outspoken dominating, egotistical, mentally strong, ambitious and always in charge. Even when he isn’t, he still acts like he is. Leos can also be cranky if they don’t get recognized and given credit for their due.
Han Solo may be a scruffy nerf herder but he is street smart, and everything that describes a Leo. He is forever dominating a situation with a huge ego but it is his Leo like qualities that get him out of trouble every time. Everyone loves Han for his boldness and headstrong methods and will follow him as he always takes the lead.

Image Source: nerdist.com
6Virgo (August 23 - September 22), Rose Tico
Virgos are energetic, practical and methodical in everything they do. A Virgo will analyze every situation accurately before coming to a decision. Virgoans work like a horse and are always loyal to duty. They make great team members preferring to work in the background and can be overwhelmed by their own energy and thoroughness. Virgos are finicky and always want to do things perfectly, something which can at times shake their own confidence if they cannot do a perfect job.
Rose Tico, the mechanic turned fighter is an ideal Virgoan with a tremendous sense of duty that has taken her out of the workshop to become a resistance fighter. She is also attractive in her own unique way, a trait attributed to Virgos.

Image Source: timeincapp.com
7Libra (September 23 - October 22) Princess Leia Organa
A Libran like the symbols of justice and balance, seeks harmony and stability in life. Librans can be lavish and indecisive but they are also good at organization and strategy. They organize groups easily and initiate communication and compromise with ease. Librans will win an argument and provide a solution as well.
Princess Leia is a perfect Libran in the Star Wars Universe. As a general, she is credited with organizing her resistance groups time and again. She is always correct in her decisions and won’t hesitate to question many about their plans. Leia, after all, wants peace in the end.

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8 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Darth Vader
A Scorpio’s personality can be enshrouded in secrecy and they intense although overbearing at times. Scorpios are extremely determined people who can also be very stubborn dismissing people, advice and instructions along the way. If you threaten or come in the way of a Scorpio’s goals, he will vehemently oppose you.
That is exactly what Darth Vader is. He does what he thinks right and fit. He is also the top drama queen of the dark side and could well be the most intense and fieriest Scorpio in history if movie characters count. Vader is volatile and like Scorpio’s have a bad temper. He looks for success and no less and yes on the way he will choke you with his fingers too.

Image Source: www.fatosdesconhecidos.com.br