7This employee decided to paste his pictures all over the place
This employee decided to quit the place in style by pasting his pictures at all over the place in the office. This picture shows that a picture of him was pasted on the back of a clock. The picture was discovered only after two years of his quitting from the place.

Image Source: www.pinterest.co.uk
8This tag was found at a bed bath
This employee decided to quit his job by writing about his boss at the tag of an infrared oven. He mentions, “My boss is a prick. Comes with extender ring kit. I am quitting today.” This was also one of the most unusual ways of quitting the job.

Image Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
9A miffed big-box retail worker left in style
This employee at the big box retail decided to do something which the company will remember for long time. He placed all the items downward on the entire shelf. That was his way of saying that he was quitting.

Image Source: diply.com