Pokémon GO was such a craze last year that people are still having its hangover. People well over the age of twenty are also inhabit of playing Pokémon. It had also revolutionized the mobile gaming industry last year. Its cartoon series is also one of the most watched shows on Netflix. For most of the people in twenties, Pokémon is their companion since they were in elementary school.
When Pokémon’s popularity was at heights, people were having a habit of collecting, swapping and playing the Pokémon cards. It was a huge craze in schools. Now, there is a good news for those who have been collecting the Pokémon cards and stored them safely in all these years. Pokémon cards can actually fetch you a lot of money as this list proves. If you are lucky enough to possess these cards, then you can certainly earn a big buck. Here are the most expensive Pokémon cards in the world:
1Japanese Pokémon VS Series
The Japanese Pokémon VS Series cards were rare as it was only released in Japan. It was also released on double the price of standard cards. Moreover, they only appeared for the Pokémon of Gym Leaders and Elite Four members. The rarity of cards made the cards expensive. If you are successful in collecting a stack of 151 cards, then you can easily make over a thousand dollars.

Image Source: www.viralthread.com
2Gold Star Cards
Gold Star Cards are very popular and they are being collected by Pokémon fans because they feature art by illustrator Masakazu Fukuda. These cards were the first one to follow and were also rarer than their counterparts. You can sell these cards for $40 to $100. The officially guarded cards can fetch $200 or more.

Image Source: www.unansquestions.com
3Southern Islands Card Set
In this collection, there were only 18 cards released which was also two sets of nine each. The individual prices of each cards can go as high as $300 per card. However, a full set can fetch well into the hundreds.

Image Source: www.unansquestions.com
4Shining Charizard
Shining Charizard is a basic Pokémon card but it is very difficult to find in a booster pack. Shining cards can be sold for between $150 and $300 each. Charizard has always been a popular character.

Image Source: www.pokellector.com
5Tropical Mega Battle Legendary Bird Phone Card
These cards are mysterious as it is not known how they got in circulation. Some say that participants in Pokémon card tournaments were awarded them within a set while others say that participants who won tournaments within 15 minutes were given these cards. As they are rare, these cards can be sold for a staggering $1200.

Image Source: www.viralthread.com
6Shiny Espeon Gold Star Card
Shiny Espeon Gold Star Card is also a rare card. There was a stiff target to achieve this card and members from 2005 to 2006 had only achieved these cards. Due to its rarity, these cards can be sold at a whopping amount of $1800.

Image Source: www.unansquestions.com
7Japanese Promo Kangaskhan Holo Family Event Trophy Card
Trophy Card could only be grabbed if participants would have won a Pokémon card game tournament. This card was special as it was awarded in the 1998 parent and child event. The highest price at which these cards have been sold was a staggering $3,749.99.

Image Source: www.proboards.com
8Magikarp, Tamamushi University Prize
The Tamamushi University of Japan organized a test to find the greatest Pokémon card trainer in the school. So those who had participated in it will only be having this card. The value of this card is between $3,700 and $4,500.

Image Source: www.pokemongoapkfree.com
9Charizard, Base Set First Edition (English)
These cards are very popular and it is very sought-after collectible. It is also consistently available. The cards can be sold at a price of $4,800.

Image Source: www.priceminister.com
10Pokémon Snap Best Photo Contest Cards paycheque
Once Pokémon and Nintendo held a competition to promote the game. There were very few cards made at that competition. There was an occasion when Gyarados card, pictured, was sold for $8,500.

Image Source: www.viralthread.com
11Tropical Mega Battle Trainer Number 1 Card / Secret Super Battle Trainer Number 1 Card
These cards were awarded to the winners of the Tropical Mega Battle and Secret Super Battle respectively. The annual championship was only for school students. The cards can be sold between $5,000 and $10,000.

Image Source: www.photobucket.com