26The uninvolved
How very true and it’s correct when they say an image can speak a thousand words. But what you have to give credit for is the photographer with a keen sense of humor in spite of being in a war zone.
Image Source: politpuzzle.ru
27Stealing the Eiffel Tower
This really looks like the mother of all con jobs where it seems that crane is just about to lift the Eiffel Tower. But, what if it were true, wonder where would they hide it?? That’s the big question. Another clever piece of photography.
Image Source: maooo.net
28That hurts
The biggest attraction of sports photography is that you can really get some dramatic shots like this one. This is the exact moment when one fighter’s foot slams into the other’s body creating a ripple slow motion effect.
Image Source: www.eternallifestyle.com
29Ouch another one
Now, this must have really hurt this guy. This will also teach you that when you want to catch that stray ball, make sure you are good at it cause you can get a nasty black eye or a badly bruised cheek with such a ball.
Image Source: boredomtherapy.com
Do you remember the character Puck from Midsummer’s Night Dream? Well, this is exactly what he looked like, the fairy with an ass’s head. The only difference here is that this is a horse and not an ass.
Image Source: lifebuzz.com