Ageing is a process which many people don’t like. Everybody like to be in their youths and enjoy the benefits of it. It is just for this reason, people like to enjoy their 20s more than the 30s. It is for this reason that most of the people want to enjoy the life to the maximum when they are in their 20s. It has also been observed that people mellow down and become slow in their 30s. The youth is the time when people are in full mood and activities. Here are few tweets which described people’s pain while entering their 30s.
1The changing definition of Friday night
This user is very upset about his 30s. He said that he used to be in the club on Friday nights but he finds himself in a Costco on the Friday nights. He is no more enjoying the sex and parties.

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2Amount of toilet breaks
This user is very worried about toilet breaks. He said that the one thing which is different about sex is the amount of toilet breaks when people are in their 30s. he is visibly not at all happy about being in 30s.

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3People love to spend time at home when they are in 30s
This user is sarcastically saying that he is enjoying being in 30s. She says that she always gets messages from friends saying that they are in club whereas she is one who always finds herself at home.

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