Home / Entertainment / Mr. Bean Photoshopped In Posters Of These 15 Movies Is Humor Overloaded

Mr. Bean Photoshopped In Posters Of These 15 Movies Is Humor Overloaded

By Nitin Bhatnagar, 20 May 2018


11The Incredible Bean


Mr. Bean as Hulk would have been double powerful as nobody can stop a superhero with weird expressions and enormous physical strength. One thing we have to admit that Bean is looking cool in green color. 

Mr. Bean as Hulk

Image Source: kakzachem.ru

12Bean Raider


Now this is too much as replacing Mr. Bean with Angelina Jolie is a little difficult to handle. We understand that the fans of Mr. Bean are too passionate about him and he would have been a great Raider but could he have matched the sensuality of Angelina? 

Bean Raider

Image Source: wowfeed.me



Mr. Bean would have played the character to the perfection as his shrewd expressions would have been more risky than any other weapon. In fact, we must say the way he is looking; he has already gave an hint that he will lives of Avengers, very tough. 

mr. bean as loki

Image Source: Kinobox.cz

14The Wolf of the Wall Street


Mr. Bean as the Wolf of Wall Street looks as a stockbroker who is trying to control the storm within and hiding his emotions. The dressing sense of the character matches the style of Mr. Bean and undoubtedly he looks handsome and smart in the formals. 

Mr. Bean as the Wolf of Wall Street

Image Source: news.khmeread.com

15Iron Bean Man


The arrogant, rich and the sci-fi superhero with attitude is replaced by a cool, chirpy and a little stupid character but there is no doubt that this superhero will also get the same or maybe more love by the audience. 

Mr. bean as iron man

Image Source: www.freakingnews.com

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