There are many movie characters which are loved by the audiences to such an extent that they become iconic and Mr. Bean is one of them. British actor Rowan Atkinson is the creator of this character and the manner in which he has played the character, it has made it immortal. Mr. Bean has entertained us in television shows as well in the movies - Bean, and Mr. Bean’s Holiday.
Mr. Bean is such a fascinating comical character that the more we watch him, the more we want to watch him. Despite getting so popular because of this character, Mr. Bean aka Rowan Atkinson has said in many interviews that he won’t be playing the character of Mr. Bean for too long. However, he still played the character of Mr. Bean in the Chinese movie, Top Funny Comedian: The Movie.
It seems that people have gone so crazy for Mr. Bean that now they are photoshopping him in the posters of movies and the result is damn hilarious. From making him look like a superhero to making him look like a super-villain such as Lord Voldemort, the fans are doing crazy things.
Here are 15movie posters in which Mr. Bean has been photoshopped:
1Harry Potter and the Order of the Beanix
The role of Lord Voldemort has been played by Ralph Fiennes in the Harry Potter series and we need to appreciate that he looked quite convincing as the bad man. However, if Bean would have played this character with this peculiar look on his face, we are sure people would have loved him seeing winning against Harry Potter, don’t you think so?

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2Her – A Mr. Bean Love Story
Everyone would have loved Bean playing the lead character in the movie but how he would have communicated with Samantha, the OS, any guesses. Well, he is Mr. Bean and he must have come up with a way to impress Samantha, isn’t it.

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Ron Perlman may have played the character of Hellboy to the perfection but it would have been totally a different movie if Mr. Bean would have played the character. Who wouldn’t have loved a comical superhero from hell with lots of expressions?

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There would have been no war in James Cameron’s Avatar as who would have liked to fight such a cute blue alien who has smile all over his face. Everybody would agree that there can’t be an alien who is so pure and cute than Mr. Bean.

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