8Video was very amusing
The video is very amusing as all the incidents were captured beautifully. If you want to get into good mood, you can watch this video to liven up your day. The girls’ encounter with William and the “chee-hoo” yell will brighten your day. When you are through, you can share this video to others to let them also enjoy their day.

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk
9Rella Rivera shot the video
“It brought so much joy to my face to see how excited the girls were. Before I could get my phone out to video, he had already let out a loud ‘chee-hoo.’ And the girls lit up even more,” said the girls’ mother, Rella Rivera.

Image Source: toopanda.com
10Video has become a craze on internet
Since the time the video has been uploaded on internet, the video is creating a lot of ripples among the people. People are in absolute awe of the local legend William and they emphasize on the need to have more kind people like him in the world. People were so enthralled with the attitude of William that they urged the store owner to give some extra money to the guy.

Image Source: www.theepochtimes.com
11William does a commendable job by responding positively to kids
It is a known fact the children get enthused when they see their idols. Amidst all this, William is doing a commendable joy to not let them be disappointed. He always gives an impression that their idol is a good person himself.

Image Source: www.kidspot.com.au
12Video is making many people happy across the world
We should also take a leaf out of William in the New Year 2018. We all should also strive to become more kind and happy in the future just like William. He was the main reason behind the happiness of the girls. And, the video is also making many people across the world happy. Kudos to Williams!

Image Source: www.indy100.com