Home / Entertainment / Girls Find ‘Moana’ Character At A Shopping Store; He Responds In Best Possible Way

Girls Find ‘Moana’ Character At A Shopping Store; He Responds In Best Possible Way

By Ashish Ranjan, 17 January 2018


4The mother of two immediately shot the video


The mother of the two girls was very quick to take out her phone camera and captured the entire event. The video has not become very popular on the social media. The video is also now being shared by many people on the social media.

The mother of two immediately shot the video

Image Source: www.thesun.co.uk

5William asked the girls about whom they thought he resembled


It is seen in the video that William asked the two girls about whom they thought he resembled. The excited girls answered very enthusiastically that he is Maui. Then, William invited them to his area around the cash counter for quick meeting and greeting.

William asked the girls about whom they thought he resembled

Image Source: www.viralthread.com

6They all did the Maui’s signature “chee-hoo” call together


The girls went to the side of William’s counter. And, they all recited the Maui’s signature “chee-hoo” call together. They were looking absolutely cheerful and adorable while doing so. It was seen that William was very good at reciting “chee-hoo.” And, it might be because William would have been in the habit of getting mistaken for animated character.

7William always gets mistaken as Maui


If the reports are to be believed, it was not the first time that William was mistaken for Moana’s Maui. He later said that he always play with the children who mistake him for Maui. He said that he always play with the children who think that he is Maui and recite the “chee-hoo” yell with them.

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