Home / Entertainment / 23 Memorable Photographs That Will Take You On A Nostalgic Journey Of Time

23 Memorable Photographs That Will Take You On A Nostalgic Journey Of Time

By Andrew Alpin, 11 April 2018


6Al Capone fishing


This photograph of Al Capone fishing was taken in July 1931. The notorious gangster went on to suffer from several diseases including syphilis. He was incarcerated in the area for mental patients in prison and died from his disease which drove him almost mad. 

Al Capone fishing

Image Source: www.kvirispalitra.ge

7Pearl harbor


This photograph depicts scenes from Pearl Harbour on Dec 7th, 1941 during and after the Japanese bombing attack on the Naval base. 

Pearl harbor

Image Source: viral.thetypicalindian.in



Taken during the iconic music festival named Woodstock on August 16th 1969. The concert lasted three days. 


Image Source: fotojoin.ru

9Construction of Golden Gate


A picture of the construction of golden gate bridge in 1934. 

Construction of Golden Gate

Image Source: amazonaws.com

10Women protesting forced hijab in Iran


How weirdly times have changed and how hypocritical too. This was taken in 1979 just a few days after the revolution when the new religious regime imposed wearing of hijab for women. There were mass protests by women because of the move. 

Women protesting forced hijab in Iran

Image Source: www.bjp-online.com

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