Whenever we think or talk about Australia, extraordinarily beautiful scenic locations, exotic wildlife, beaches, happening nightlife, museums, islands, etc. come in our minds. However, there is another side to this wonderful nation, which is not as beautiful as we think it to be.
There is no denying the fact that Australia offers a lot to the travelers and cities like Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane are among the most desirable cities of the world and people love to visit them to have a lifetime experience and also dream of getting settled there.
However, today we are going to show another aspect of this country to you and will give you 19 reasons for never visiting Australia:
1The Grey-headed flying fox
Australia is home to grey-headed flying fox or the largest bat and they are available in good numbers. While the adult has an average wingspan of 1 meter, it can weigh upto 1 kg, there are other three species of flying foxes in Australia and they are mostly harmless. However, the three viruses that can be transferred from bats to humans and which can kill human have instilled a fear among the citizens.

Image Source: funnyjunk.com
2Huge Pythons
Australia is also home to a good number of snakes of different species, if you are still terrified with the flying foxes, let us tell you that these pythons are so huge that they can eat them as well. Have a look at the photo and see how helpless the flying fox is!

Image Source: ytimg.com
3Pythons pulling wallaby up
The pythons found in Australia are not just huge but they are very powerful also, so much that they can pull a wallaby upwards. Wallaby is said to be of the same family from which the Kangaroos belong but they are a little small in size. But still, don’t you feel that pulling wallaby from such a height is a very difficult task.

Image Source: galaxant.com
4Big crocodiles
Big crocodiles can be seen walking on the pavements of the busy city areas in case of flood or heavy rainfalls. When we say big crocodiles, we mean really big as this 6-foot crocodile which was found at Queensland Parks by the rescue team and Wildlife team during the floods.

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk
5Giant earthworms
The Giant Gippsland earthworm which is found in Australia is said to be of average 3 feet in length but it has been found to acquire the length of 9 feet. Now this is quite big for an earthworm and also for frightening us. We have never seen such a big earthworm earlier, what about you?

Image Source: static.twentytwowords.com