2Darkness or something else

Image Source: www.recreoviral.com
What did you see in the picture above?? Was it white pillars or did you focus instead on the silhouettes between the pillars.
If you saw Pillars
If your mind focused on the pillars first, it means you have made your own comfort zone which you are quite deep in. You don’t have the inclination to move out which is why you can’t achieve what you really desire in life such as your career. You have to step out of this comfort zone you have created for yourself and look at the world from a new perspective. The pillars also reveal that you are a dreamer and romantic which is why you tend to see important details.
If you saw the silhouettes between these pillars
By seeing the male silhouettes between the pillars first means that for you, life has no constraints and you live it without effort. You consider it important to make friends and connect or communicate with people. You are sensitive and like helping others through kindness
3This can be a bit confusing, look closely

Image Source: www.e-magazino.gr
There are three elements in this picture. There is a car, a man with binoculars and the letter A, so which did you see first.
If you saw the man with binoculars, it means you always look at the larger picture on the surface without going into details. This, of course, has its advantages and disadvantages. Since the man covers the entire image, it means you absorb information from what you see at one glance rather than thinking on anything else. Always focus on other aspects of life and try to absorb more details to arrive at a decision.
If you saw the Car
If you saw the car, then you value freedom. You take life one step at a time and move at your own pace rather than be dictated by others or rules. You prefer to do things your own way. The car also symbolizes the finer details and your ability to analyze a situation. While such a quality is ok for certain days, it may impede your judgment when you find yourself in a bad situation and need to make a fast decision.
If you saw the letter A
Although as large as life, the letter A will be the least easy to spot. If you saw it first, it means you possess the rarity to see what others cannot. You’d make a good crime detective because you are also intuitive. You can think outside the conventional line of thought.
4The romantic scene

Image Source: www.tapoos.com