We all know the feeling of going on a road trip. We get hyped and excited for it the day before, we are excited in the car. There is an old saying, “It is not about the destination but the journey” and this is best shown on a road trip.
For today’s list we are going to see 18 pictures of a wife taken by her husband each time they went on a road trip. If you think why these photos are hilarious, is she funny? Are they both funny? Is she annoying him while he’s driving or vice versa? Nope, all wrong.
Today we are meeting a Redditor by the name MrMagoo21who loves vlogging while travelling. Unfortunately for him, his better half doesn’t feel the same way. His wife suffers from motion sickness, as a child she was given medicine to combat this. The medicines made her fall asleep during the ride which now makes her fall asleep when she’s in a car and hears the engine sound.
1Go On A Road Trip They Said, It’ll Be Fun They Said
This is going to be a staple of this list. The husband is going to be unimpressed and the wife will be asleep. Not sure if this was the first picture they took or the last. They all look exactly the same.

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com
2Just Hope Nothing Falls In
Sleeping with the mouth open is scary. Here’s hoping the husband closed her mouth after taking this picture or she would’ve been mad as hell when she woke up with an insect in her mouth.

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com
3Awwwwwww there’s a dog in this one
With the seat laid back, this is a more comfortable position for her. And just look at that adorable little dog on her lap. And the husband, unimpressed as always.

Image Source: sbly-web-prod-shareably.netdna-ssl.com
4She’s Wearing a Hat!
After a few photos, I’m starting to find this couple oddly cute and the fact she’s wearing a cap in this one is just adding to the cuteness. And the husband, shaved and unimpressed.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
5When You Keep Explaining Something and the Person Still Doesn’t Get it
Yup, that’s the face of every member of a group of people when they have that one friend who doesn’t understand things after explaining it once. One could mistake this as a picture of a couple bored while stuck in traffic if they didn’t know the truth.

Image Source: sadanduseless.b-cdn.net
6Wait, Is He Sleeping at the Wheel?
I’m sure he’s awake and focused, he does look like his wife’s sleeping disorder has caught him and he too is asleep while driving. Maybe it’s this monotonous list of same images with the same theme making me feel like that.

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com
7When You Win an Argument But She is Still Mad
These images are turning into memes at this point and we haven’t even reached the halfway mark. The couple looks like the husband won an argument with logic or reasoning or just straight up facts and the wife is none too happy about it.

Image Source: blossomfully.com
8Dramatic Monotonous
Same car, same couple, same faces, same reaction but, in darkness. One of the few images in this compilation that looks somewhat different. This image is so dark compared to the rest I wonder if it’s from the DC Universe.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
9When you’re trying to sneakily take an embarrassing photo
That is exactly what he is doing and the photo is quite embarrassing. Funny and cute this image is adorable. The expressions in this image can be used for memes as they are spot on. The husband looks like anyone trying to sneak a picture of someone without them noticing.

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com
10Awwwwwww, the dog is back
Another welcome change, the dog is back and looking cute as always. Sitting in his sleeping owner’s lap and enjoying the ride. At least the husband has someone to talk to and point out things. A little company on road trips does feel nice.

Image Source: img.viralnova.com
11Annnnd Her Mouth Is Open Again
He really needs to get his priorities straight, we all want that elusive funny pic but not at the risk of having something get stuck in your wife’s throat. I just hope nothing ever went inside cause that would be a bad end to a good ride.

Image Source: sadanduseless.b-cdn.net
12This Is The Best Image, Hands Down!
I do not know what is so cute about this image but I feel like it’s the best one yet. Something about the way he looks, unimpressed as usual and she asleep as usual but there’s that something that makes this image the cutest.

Image Source: storage.googleapis.com
13Dude, You Can Cover Her Mouth
I mean if you can’t keep it closed you can cover it with the blanket. It’s right there, on her, near her mouth. Just lift it up a bit and cover her mouth. I’m sure she’ll be less than happy to wake up with something in her mouth.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
14Is He About To Lose It?
Has he had enough f his wife seeping on their road trips? Is the husband going to do something he will regret? Will this be the end of our cute happy couple? And where is that adorable dog? Find out all this and more on the next image of the This Is Dragging on Too Far.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
15Nope, He Just Gave Her A Pillow
Good news folks, they are alive and well and exactly how we left them. He’s unimpressed forever and she in sleeping beauty mode only this time with a pillow. This picture looks more relaxing than the others.

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com
16Hey, they’re the same at night too
If you thought this happy couple had a different look at night, nope, they are exactly the same. I feel bad for the husband, he might be driving through some good looking places and he can’t share it with his wife.

Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
17The Most Normal Looking Pic
And lastly, we have an image where they look completely normal and she doesn’t even look asleep. Unfortunately, her condition makes her fall asleep when she’s in a car and hears the engine sound. So, her being awake will never happen.

Image Source: www.24hviralphotos.com
18Psych Gotcha!
Did you seriously think we’d leave you with a normal looking picture after this ocean of grey? Nope, here you go. The unimpressed husband’s face can’t be seen with the glare but the wife, yep, she is fast asleep.

Image Source: www.sunnyskyz.com