Every pet lover knows the importance of their pet and how uneventful and incomplete would life be without them. A pet is more than just a creature on four legs. It is a being with compassion and caring enough to provide you comfort even when you are down. With pets, it’s never a dull moment and here are 22 pet tweets that prove how pets at home can turn your life upside down but at the same moment can also improve your life for the better
Image Source: www.boredpanda.com
1Never drinks from a bowl
Most dog owners will understand this one how dogs will never like drinking from their own bowls but find it more fascinating drinking from a bucket in a bathroom or kitchen and even the garden hose. This guy is more innovative.
Image Source: izismile.com
211-year-old kitty
This cat has been living with this family for 11 years but is still providing him moments of cuteness. The advantage with animals is that though they age, their characteristics don’t.
Image Source: brightside.me
3He thinks it’s a window
Many pets take a liking to the weirdest things at home. Many love to look at themselves in the mirror thinking it to be another pet. This guy loves the painting simply because he thinks it’s a window.
Image Source: www.sunnyskyz.com
4When you cut out carbs
How often have you faced this situation where your dog loves eating just about anything besides his food? However, if you notice him always wanting to eat the wall and similar objects get a checkup for lack of calcium or pica.
Image Source: me.me