Parenting is certainly not an easy task! No matter at what age you readily become parents to kids, there are going to be times when you will be perfect, but you will also be a total disaster at some occasions; because let’s face it we are all humans who tend to make some mistakes. This happens especially when you become parents for the very first time. Just like everything else that you tried learning for the first time in your life, being perfect parents comes after a series of mistakes and mishaps. And even after that, there can be no guarantee that you as parents will always be perfect when it comes to parenting perfectly.
Frankly, all this may sound a little weird, but then we all need to realize that parents too are humans, and making a few mistakes here and there only make them that! Now, some parents take the blame to their heart and feel hurtful, but there are some parents who have had the courage and a sense of humor and they showed their mistakes to the world by sharing those moments on the internet. We can take lessons from them, and for some harmless mistakes, we can even laugh. So let’s show you some of those moments.
1Didn’t tell him where to pee even after all these years!
The toilet training worked to make him understand that one is supposed to pee in the pot, but he didn’t know that the ones on display in markets are not connected to the sewage lines.
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2Couldn’t handle!
The Superman daddy had thought that he could make through the swing by having his princess on his shoulders, but sadly he couldn’t and the kid just fell. At least now, the dad will be extra careful next time he tries to do something like this.
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