3 The kids love their new baby sisters
By observing the photos Cannici is excited about the relationship bond she sees building up. It reflects into a reality where Nico and Siena can be heard saying several times a day that they love their baby sisters a lot. They have promised to keep them safe forever. Both Cannici and Niki are happy with the beautiful transition for the family.

Image Source: www.netdna-ssl.com
4 A happy family with four adorable babies
When Cannici had uploaded the photos of her four kids, the shot immediately went viral. She says ““I hope when people look at that photo they can see the true joy.” She continues to say, “To see our babies all together makes me feel such happiness and accomplishment. The joy you see on Nico and Siena’s faces is entirely genuine.”
Cannici and her wife Nikki had struggled with infertility for several years but finally their efforts bore fruit. They are happy that they are now a family with four adorable babies.

Image Source: www.wordpress.com