6A level higher than cosplay
Yes, this is not just cosplay but something of much higher level. The guy has copied a scene of airplane landing with the perfection using a lamp and by drawing the back portion of airplane on his face. We need to appreciate not just his creativity but also his drawing skills!

Image Source: imgur.com
7Cold drink bottle or a model
Who can think like this? The cosplayer used just a bottle of a cold drink to create the cosplay of a model wearing a tube dress and you will be surprised to know that many online users think that he has better curves than the model. What do you say?

Image Source: www.demilked.com
8Once again noodles but this time a Disney character
It seems that he is in love with noodles as he has used them once again to create a Disney character, Rapunzel. The female character is locked in a tower without stairs or doors. The girl has long, golden hair and the cosplayer tried to give the same feeling of hair using a yellow towel and noodles.

Image Source: www.tklife.com.cn
9Our own Captain America, the cheaper one
Low cost dress, some paint and a colored fan are what all we need for making the cheaper version of Captain America. Never knew it is so easy to become a super-hero but I sincerely doubt the capability of the cheaper Captain America to save the world from the enemies of the world, do you?

Image Source: amazonaws.com
10Who wants to have this Cornetto?
Seriously, does he want us to leave eating Cornetto forever? With a red cloth and a mask, he has created the photo of a Cornetto ice cream by hanging upside down. The low cost cosplay seems to bring a smile on the face but it does kill the hunger or the desire to have a Cornetto.

Image Source: epimg.net