11Made for each other
Not everyone we like is supposed to like us back. And that is simply because we are made for someone who is perfect for us. We only have to look for that special someone who is made for us, and then we can have the best of life together.
Image Source: static.boredpanda.com
12 We just can’t control
We try very hard to not text or call him back after that break-up or a fight. And for a long period of time, we may even get successful at doing that, but just that one moment of loss of self-control and all the hard work gets drained away. How many of you have faced this situation?
Image Source: files.brightside.me
13We are our own limitations
When we ourselves limit our capabilities to survive, who else is going to save us? We need to understand that only we can save ourselves and that can happen only if we look at the problem from an angle where we want the solution, not from where we choose to drown ourselves.
Image Source: cdn02.bumppy.com
14Sad story
This is one of the saddest realities of our world today when it comes to relationships. People are taken for a ride and are then left to be alone in the vastness of the world. Emotions are taken for granted and sensitive people are left wondering why they even try to find genuine love in this world.
Image Source: files.brightside.me
15 Growing differently
This is one of the most beautiful aspects of being part of the human race. We all are same, yet different on so many levels; one of them being the way in which we grow as an individual. These differences make the world an amazing place to live in; wherein every person adds something different.
Image Source: files.brightside.me