6 Even the cops had fun
Tensions between civilians and cops are on an all time high. But back in the day, even cops took out some time and played games with kids on streets.

Image Source: www.bcdn.biz
7 Comics were life
Nowadays Marvel and DC come out with comics digitally instead of bringing out prints. However, today’s kids won’t know the thrill of waiting for the next issue of their favorite comic to know what happened next.

Image Source: www.creativeboom.com
8 An odd trumpet
Well a father is celebrating bring your kid to work day in the weirdest way possible. Also it's amusing to see a kid sitting in a trumpet, playing another tiny trumpet.

Image Source: www.filing.pl
9 Necessity is mother of invention
Kids swinging off a lamppost in makeshift swings are the best example of making the best use of whatever they got.

Image Source: www.wtvideo.com
10 Helping your best friend
Every kid must grow up with a pet, as they not only get a friend for life, but they also teach them compassion and kindness towards others. Here is one girl helping her best friend with water on a hot day.