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15 Tattoos With The Most Endearing Stories Behind Them

By Meera Kaushal, 5 June 2018


6Mending some pains


What existed as a scar on his shoulder got this amazing makeover. That’s right! This man got a cool tattoo so that he could look at that scar and not remember the pain associated with it, rather be proud of his decision of giving it a makeover and changing things for him in a much more positive manner.

Mending some pains

Image Source: files.brightside.me

7Father’s last blessing


When parents leave us, they take away the chances of being blessed by them again. But, this boy here did the unthinkable and got his father’s last handprint tattooed on his back. Now, his father is always blessing him, in essence. Don’t you think, it is one of the best ways to remember your parents?

Father’s last blessing

Image Source: files.brightside.me

8Another tribute to a father


This girl also lost her father and so, she and her sister decided to honor their daddy dearest by getting tattooed in their hometown. Some memories can be honored when their marks are present on the body, apart from the heart. May the father of these daughters see their love from heaven!

Another tribute to a father

Image Source: topsao.vn



This is a tattoo which was made on the hand of a father. He got this special one after his son went through a successful heart transplant. So, in order to celebrate the happiness of that moment, he decided to get inked with a heart that never stops beating. That’s the love of a father for you!


Image Source: img.joemonster.org

10Moms are always right!


Most moms say these words to their children because they know that no matter how harsh the circumstances, we are going to be alright. This person thought of getting inked and wanted a sentimental first one, so decided to go for his mother’s favorite phrase and that too, in her handwriting.

Moms are always right!

Image Source: baomoi-photo-1-td.zadn.vn

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