3 What the future holds for Jessica?
And just like the movie 50 First Dates, Jessica slowly started dating Rich again and gradually fell in love with her boyfriend turned stranger turned boyfriend again. Jessica said that she was traumatized that she would lose her memory again and she didn’t know who to trust as people who were stranger to her were claiming to be her relatives. She said, "I felt so alone with no idea of my personality, my strengths and weaknesses, or my likes and dislikes. It's hard to explain the loss I feel at essentially losing 19 years of experiences." Jessica had to stop working and quit her job as she was still forgetting things on daily basis. Doctors however have said that there is little to no possibility of her gaining her memory of last 19 years. They said that the series of seizures weakened her memories and that fit on March 3, wiped out her entire memory. They also said that there is 50% chance of her losing her memory again in future. "I feel so lucky that he knew me well enough to stand by me even when I thought of him as a stranger. He practically lives at my house now and our relationship is going from strength to strength." Jessica said.

Image Source: www.dailymail.co.uk