10Keep old flames at bay
An old flame can lure you into infidelity. If you keep these encounters transparent and communicate what you feel, you can avoid misunderstandings. Letting that flame burn inside of you can do a lot of harm later on. Your partner may be surprised to find out you still hold a grudge against thing over something that happened years ago. Whatever negative emotions you have, let them out.

Image Source: www.floweraura.com
11Be flexible and forgiving
To be honest, we are not perfect and hence our relationships won’t be perfect too. So, you should be tolerant and forgiving towards your partner. If you started the relationship with the fairytale perception that you or your partner will successfully meet each other’s needs whether it is emotional or sexual, it can lead to a lot of problems down the line. You need to be more open-minded than that if you want to even be in a happy long-term relationship.

Image Source: www.trickscity.com
12Occasional counseling is recommended
All marriages need counseling at some point because no relationship is perfect. Find a reliable and capable therapist who can help improve your relationship with your partner. The things that are addressed in the counseling sessions include:
- Exploring your expectations and hopes with the relationship
- How to understand each other better
- Learning ways to effectively communicate with each other
- Learning problem solving strategies
- Understanding difference of opinion
Instead of ignoring your marriage problems, counseling can help you put everything on the table and fix it before you or your partner lands on the verge of infidelity.

Image Source: www.cityofglasgowcollege.ac.uk
Just focus on making your relationship more open, caring and mutual. Of course, if your partner crosses the line and they are not even ready to take responsibility for their infidel actions, then that’s a different scenario.