They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is especially the case with photographs. For photographs are meant to capture a full spectrum of human emotions, and more often than not they reveal stories that can melt even the toughest of hearts. Such is the case with the following 16 photos and the heartwarming stories behind them.
Prepare yourself, dear reader, for these photos will without a doubt find a way to melt your heart as well. And hopefully, by the end of this article, these photos and their respective stories will make you realize that life really is about kindness which is by far the most precious thing in the world. So without further ado, let's get right into this.
1It's time to return the favor
If you ever had a dog, then you probably know that they are about as loyal as they come. But in this photo, you can see it was the time for us people to return a favor. What happened is that the dog cut up his paws in the middle of the hike with his owner, so the guy's friend drove all the way to the hiking trail and not only did he hiked for miles to find them, but he ended up carrying the dog the whole way out. God bless these people.
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2Love conquers all
See these beautiful people with big bright smiles on their faces? Well, they are about to get married. But the curious story here is how they met under the most tragic circumstances. What happened is that the guy in the photo did the brave thing and shielded this girl, unknown to him at the time, from gunfire, during the infamous Las Vegas shooting. This couple is a proof that love can be born even in the most tragic of circumstances.
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3A proud father
This is the photo of an immigrant holding a book in a bookstore where he taught himself English over 60 years ago. But that's not even the best part of the story, because that book isn't just any book, but the man's son's new novel. The bottom line? Never give up on your dreams.
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4This photo gave me shivers
At first glance, this photo doesn't really say much. Without giving it too much thought, you can only see the picture of a cute dog and a random basket full of something. But if you take your time to read the note attached to a tree, then this photo will surely melt your heart. "In memory of Roxy," the note says. For she was a loyal dog, a friend really, who loved the park, who loved to chase and loved to play. And just like that, you realize that there are tennis balls in the basket and the dog owner wants people to take one, to play, chase and love, just like Roxy did. But the real question is, after seeing this, how could you not get all teary-eyed?
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