11Pat Barone
Pat was taking anti-depressant pills and one day she realized that the reason of her depression is her over-eating habits. As per Pat, anybody can lose weight but it is more important to understand yourself, your fears, values, motivations and the purpose of life. She lost 92 pounds since then and now she is a healer who helps other people.

Image Source: www.shape.com
12Geaux Anne
Geaux used to weigh 260 pounds but in the last 2 years, she has lost 130 pounds, proving herself as the best example for “Obesity to Bodybuilding”. She reduced the intake of carbohydrates to a great extent and also underwent IF as well as HIIT for losing weight. After she achieved her goal of weight-loss, she started the weight training.

Image Source: i.pinimg.com
13Reddit user Smithersboss
We have heard many times that hard work and patience pay off; in the same manner, sobriety, diet, and exercise have also paid off for the Reddit user Smithersboss. He used to weigh 360 pounds and after 18 months of hard work, he lost 170 pounds which brought his weight to 190 pounds.

Image Source: redditmedia.com
14Reddit user viperstrike05
This Reddit user lost 76 pounds in 17 months and the best advice that he got was “get comfortable with being uncomfortable”. As per him, small changes in life can bring big results; it’s a long process like a marathon and not like a sprint. Quitting soda also helped him a lot and improvement was quite visible in two weeks.

Image Source: 5funfacts.com
15 Reddit user J. Michelle
The pretty woman lost 43 pounds by making healthy food and exercises a part of her lifestyle. She was not much comfortable in a bathing suit earlier but now it’s no more a problem for her. She ate 1400-1700 calories per day and her fitness regime included exercising 3 times a week, swimming, climbing and running 5 kms.

Image Source: reddit.com