Every city in the United States has its own set of guidelines for the upkeep of residential properties. But how strict and picky are HOAs or homeowners associations? If you’ve ever lived in one, you’ll know. However, if you live in an area with a large number of local laws, it can be difficult to know exactly what you can and cannot do on your own property. For example, local officials can even take action against a property owner if the grass on their yard is overgrown, dead, or appears neglected.
Having your own property makes it simple to feel a sense of responsibility for it. All that effort to get a roof over your head and even more effort in making that roof your own isn’t wasted. Gerry Suttle bought her house with the intention of staying there for the rest of her life, and she was doing just that until she was threatened with being arrested for violating the city’s code regulating the height of grass on yards and lawns.
A 75-year-old woman named Gerry Suttle was summoned to court for letting the grass on her lawn grow 18 inches tall
Gerry Suttle, 75, had lived in her house in Reisel, Texas, for the past 59 years. The length of the grass on a lot she owns across the street violated the city code, and she had received a summons to appear before a judge. A few weeks prior to serving the notice, officials had measured the grass on the property in question and discovered it was 18 inches tall, which was clearly excessive.

Img Src: lifebuzz.com
She did not appear in court since she failed to receive the summons, and a warrant for her arrest was issued
As a result of Miss Suttle’s failure to appear in court, a warrant for her arrest was issued, capturing the attention of the local media. She explained to the reporter that she never received the summons in the first place, and that’s why she didn’t show up for court.

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Every state in the US is different and has its own set of laws, rules, and regulations
In the United States, each state has its own unique character. The places, landscapes, architecture, people, cultures, and even the laws are all very different. This is how Gerry was taken completely by surprise by a rule in her hometown.
The city code stated that homeowners who fail to maintain their lawns might be subject to a fine or perhaps criminal prosecution. Yes, the police can intervene if the owner’s grass is greater than 18 inches long. She was mortified when the 75-year-old lady discovered that she violated the law because she could not mow her own huge lawn. For her, it was a very vulnerable situation to be in.

Img Src: megasvet.si