6A Jack Russell Terrier Sacrifices Himself To Save Five Children
George was a lovable Jack Russell Terrier living in New Zealand. In 2207 he was playing with 5 kids, among the ages of 3 to 15. On their way back from a shop the kids were confronted by two aggressive pit bulls. Sensing danger George rushed to protect the kids. Unfortunately, the vicious dogs were too much for George to handle and he suffered injuries so severe that his owner, Allan Gay had to have him euthanized.

Image Source: www.cutesypooh.com
When this act of bravery was televised, the New Zealand Society for the Protection of Animals presented Allan with a medal of bravery for George. The two pit bulls that were responsible for George’s unforgiving fate were euthanized by the dog control office.

Image Source: www.weblo.com
7A Pod Of Dolphins Saves A Lifeguard And Three Girls Form A Shark
On October 30, Rob Howes who was a lifeguard along with his daughter Niccy and her friends Karina Cooper and Helen Slade were swimming in the waters of Ocean Beach in New Zealand. When Rob and Helen went about 20 meters away from the others, they saw, swimming directly towards them was a bottlenose dolphin. Before reaching them the dolphin took a dive and went underwater.

Image Source: nationalgeographic.com
Soon they saw a few more dolphins join in and brought all four of them together and started circling around them. Not knowing what was going on they had to wait there for 40 minutes till a lifeguard patrolling rescue boat showed up. On seeing the strange dolphin behavior they investigated only to find out the dolphins were protecting the humans from a three meter long Great White shark.

Image Source: nationalgeographic.com
8A Beluga Whale Saves A Diver When Her Legs Got Paralyzed
Yang Yun had participated in a freediving competition in which she had to dive to the bottom of an arctic pool which was about 20 feet deep in northeast China. She had to do this and also remain there without any underwater breathing equipment.

Image Source: www.leisurepro.com
She suffered a series of crippling cramps as the low temperatures started to choke her. She felt her legs going numb and unable to move. Just then a Beluga whale named Mila sensed the life-threatening trouble Yang was in and came to her rescue. Taking her by the leg, the whale pushed her towards the surface of the water where Yang could finally breathe at last and be rescued.

Image Source: www.leisurepro.com
9A WWI Homing Pigeon Helped Save 194 Men
When the pigeon fanciers of Britain donated carrier pigeons to the US Army Signal Corps during WWI while they were in France, among the pigeons was Cher Ami. On October 3rd, 1918, the American Army officer, Major Charles White Whittlesey found himself and his entire battalion trapped within enemy lines and without any food. The next day he saw that only 194 of his men were still alive and he had no runners left to send messages.

Image Source: flipboard.com
Having no other option Whittlesey sent two pigeons, both of which were shot down by Germans. Cher Ami was among them and the last one to take flight. After taking flight she too was spotted and shot by Germans but she was able to take flight once again and reached headquarters which was 25 miles away in about 25 minutes.
Because of her, all the men of that battalion were saved. Cher was treated by the army paramedics. One leg had to be amputated as it was hanging on by a tendon. For her service to the army, she received the Croix de Guerre Medal.

Image Source: buzzfeed.com
10A Pot-Bellied Pig Saves Owners Life Who Suffered A Heart Attack
When JoAnn Altsman of Pennsylvania suffered a heart attack while her husband was away, there was no one to help her. Her pot-bellied pig broke through the backyard and went into traffic.

Image Source: wikimedia.org
Once on the main road, the bleeding pig just sat on the middle of the road and waited for a car to stop. While most drivers just went beside her one driver saw the bleeding pig and stopped. When the driver came to investigate JoAnn yelled out and the driver called for an ambulance.
After this incident, Lulu became quite the celebrity. Lulu was invited to the Late Show With David Letterman an got to meet George Clooney.

Image Source: www.sunnyskyz.com