5Does this person compliment your looks and yet seem aloof?
If this is your story right now, relax and read on. The fact that he compliments you is enough to portray that he observes you keenly. Now, what does that show? He has his eyes on you, of course. If you find him aloof even after he appreciates your looks, fret not. It is likely that he is trying to gauge what you think about his looks. Maybe he is unsure about your feelings for him. Not all have it in them to question and get responses. If you like him, hang in there.
6Does this person advise you and not follow them himself?
Now, this can be a tough situation. If this person advises you but does not follow them, it can mean many things. You don’t have to take it negatively. Some people like to advise others when it is asked out of them, this does not entail them to follow suit. They would do things as per their issues and situation. Begin to view the larger picture in order to stay afloat.

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7Does this person text you a mere two words out of the blue?
Just when you are thinking about the long gap in your communication with him, you receive a text that says “All well?” Instead of getting angry at him, why don’t you see his care in these two words. If he really wanted to break away, would he have stayed beyond the initial stages? In any case, relationships can be unpredictable, why add your bit to the mystery? Why not wait to see it unfold on its own?
8Does this person give you a cold shoulder often?
Now, this can be really frustrating. A cold shoulder should not be taken literally until all other parameters have been tested. Most often a cold shoulder is a test to see how much the other person can withstand. This does not mean that you should let them walk over you. Your thoughts and feelings matter as well. Sometimes, the cold shoulder is just another boulder that has been placed to buy time. Should this be the case, get into yourself and find things to do that give you joy, love, and peace. Remember, your peace is of utmost importance.

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