9Helping Each Other Get Ready
There is nothing more relaxing than getting your hair brushed and ready for bed. After a stressful day of work, one can’t seem to even lift a hand to do anything but when love steps in that just grows on you.

Image Source: www.diariodaweb.com
10Coming Home to See Them
Coming home from work after a long hard day and seeing your loved one in the doorway is the best feeling in the world. That brief separation makes one live the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Image Source: valet.ru
11Smelling Their Hair
Any woman who has been in a long-term relationship will know how her partner will keep doing this as if the scent of your hair is intoxicating especially when coming out of the shower.

Image Source: bumppy.com
12Reading to Each Other
It is quite relaxing to have someone to read out loud to you especially when you are too tired even to exert yourself to do so. It isn’t just romantic, it’s therapeutic too.

Image Source: cdninstagram.com