It is amazing how in a world of physical matter where science explains everything in terms of atoms and molecules, there is one thing that endures beyond the physical and that is love. It is both painful when lost, and pleasurable when won. But when love is secure and content in a relationship, that life will never have room for memory because it will be permanent and even after one is gone, their presence will always be felt in one's heart. Such a love is by far the best feeling in the world. It is under this influence of what love is in long-term relationships that LA artist Amanda Oleander created these illustrations that showcase perfectly what love looks like in true relationships. Oleander’s work has also featured in magazines like NY Magazine, Vanity Fair, and Cosmo.
1 Tolerating Morning Breath
People only look good in the mornings on celluloid and that too there is makeup on to look natural. No one looks good in the morning and your breath isn’t appealing either but in love that really cares, the company is more important.

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2Spooning Is Extraordinary
Regardless of how long you’ve been in a relationship, you still can’t get enough of cuddling the person every minute of the day. Waking up in the morning in this position is the best experience of a relationship.

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3Grocery Shopping is an Enjoyable Adventure
Shopping with your long-term partner is always loads of fun even if it is for groceries. Regardless of how mundane it is, it is still enjoyable simply because of the presence of the love in your life.

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4There Is No Fear of Each Other's Bodies
When you live long enough together in a long-term relationship, you don’t feel awkward or conscious of your body in front of your loved one. There are times when our bodies may be gross like when we develop a pimple or something nasty but yet you both won’t mind popping each other’s pimples.

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