2Divine Love
"Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love. And think not you can direct the course of love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course. Love has no other desire but to fulfil itself."- Kahlil Gibran. Plato's Symposium explains how love originated and evolved both physically and spiritually. The Greeks have differentiated the word "love" in four forms kinship, platonic, romantic or physical desire and divine love. Eros is explained as love that can transcend its origins of the earth and attain spirituality. Divine love is the purest form. It enlightens the soul. It vanquishes a person's fear of death and frees the soul from the materialistic world making love the brilliant white light of divine emotion.

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3Physical Love
It is believed that love first started as a physical phenomenon, reeling us back to our primates, 60 million years ago. An expert on love named, Helen Fisher, classifies love into three stages-attraction, lust and attachment. Romantic attraction leads to physical desire that motivates build a relationship and attachment, that involves getting married, sharing a home, raising children and mutual security. Physicalists believe that love is that physical impulse that directs us to a potential partner or object for physical gratification.

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