7How he responds to your requests
A man who loves you will always cater to your requests regardless of how small and trivial they may be. Men love helping women because it gives them an opportunity to show their love in responsible ways. There are men who don’t usually show signs of love because they may feel awkward (yes!! There are men like that) but when they can respond in material ways, they will jump at the opportunity. He may look after you when you are sick or bring you small gifts. He will make sure he takes care of the house maintenance so that you don’t have a problem with leaky faucets or a damaged phone.

Image Source: bt.com
When he doesn’t love you
He simply won’t bother, that’s it. Small requests like a fan isn’t working are met with a scowl that he is too busy and you should arrange for its replacement yourself. Small tasks are unbearable and this is when you definitely need to make a decision because it may so happen that your man is helping another woman and catering to her needs instead.

Image Source: dailymail.co.uk
Even animals are jealous and humans even more so. Men are highly jealous just as women are. Even though a man may love you, he might feel intimidated by your male colleague paying you more attention. Jealousy to a certain extent is natural and it only means your man loves you and wouldn’t want to lose you. Jealousy to the point of obsession, dominance, and abuse isn’t healthy.

Image Source: www.all4women.co.za
When there is no love, there is no jealousy
On the other hand, if your man doesn’t flinch when he sees men surrounding you at parties or social events, if he couldn’t care less at that phone call from a male colleague, then it means he doesn’t find you interesting at all. He no longer wishes to fight for you as his desire for you is not there anymore.

Image Source: brightside.me
9How he protects you
A man who loves you will always be at your side. He will always be concerned when you have to go too far of places for work. He may call on you to check if you’re ok and if you need help. If you work late, he may offer to pick you up. A loving man is always concerned about your period!! He is your superhero after all.

Image Source: serperuano.com
If he doesn’t love, you are always alone
A man who doesn’t love won’t even bother if haven’t even returned from work at your usual time. If your man shows no concern that you are being bullied or yelled at by superiors at work, then either he is a coward or he just doesn’t care anymore. Do you really need such a man?

Image Source: www.dirkahlgrim.com
10Expressing feelings and being gentle
A loving relationship thrives on displays of emotions, touches, stares, and togetherness. Even if you have a man who is nerdy enough not to be able to say words like “darling” “sweetheart” “Pumpkin” “”sugar” etc, he will do things to show he loves you in his own subtle ways. The biggest way is to always be there for you which of course is prevalent at all times in any loving relationship and whether he is awkward or not, intimacy is a natural expression of love. Mind you, in general, men also love the gooey stuff in bed where there are no prying eyes. They like being cuddled and pampered too.

Image Source: microfilenetwork.com
But when he doesn’t love you
On the other hand, the biggest danger is when your man doesn’t want such displays of affection from you. Intimacy may be just a physical act to satisfy his physical urges and when that too stops, you need to stand up and take notice because he could be getting satisfied elsewhere.

Image Source: brightside.me