6Have you ever thought of this?
Recently Food & Wine Magazine did a piece where they revealed that when we eat on the bed we get distracted. And when we're not paying attention to what we are eating we tend to overeat. This is obviously very unhealthy and people are often advised to not keep themselves otherwise occupied when they are eating a meal.

Image Source: angelaboswellblog.com
7It causes insomnia
The National Sleep Foundation says that eating in bed, or right before bed, especially carbs or heavy stuff can actually make you lose sleep. If you must snack or are hungry, get out of bed, grab a healthy portion of snacks like a bowl of cereal or some nuts. Interestingly, some cereal and milk can also help you sleep better.

Image Source: i.kinja-img.com
8The TV dilemma
One of our worst habit is eating on the bed while watching TV. Just because it's all so convenient. But if the experts are to be believed this is a strict no-no. You can't distract yourself with television as this will definitely lead you to eat more than you should.

Image Source: exquis.ro
9All about bad behaviour
Experts have also asked people to not engage in any activity except sleeping in their beds. What happens is when we eat drink or watch TV on our beds we start associating beds with tasks or habits other than sleeping. This is not healthy. Traditional lifestyle experts still believe that a bed is meant to be a place to de-stress and rest.

Image Source: media2.s-nbcnews.com
10For chronic eaters
Obese people should avoid eating in beds as they stop paying attention to their portions and thus eat more than they need to. These make their eating habits worse and obviously makes them overweight.

Image Source: s3.envato.com