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All The Disturbing Reason Why You Shouldn’t Eat In Bed

By KK Angus, 2 June 2018


You always thought your parents never allowed you to eat in bed because of the mess. But did you know it's not just stray crumbs which you should be worried about. But eating in bed has several nasty consequences which might affect your health.

Experts also agree that we really ignore our sleep health, which is exactly what it sounds like. We never pay attention to how healthy our sleep patterns are or if we are sleeping in the right position. Not eating in beds is also a branch of healthy bed habits. So why exactly shouldn't we eat in beds?

1The basic cleanliness


One of the biggest reasons to not eat in bed is, of course, the small food particles. Especially if your bed or mattress is extra foamy the small crumbs actually accumulate in crevices and it obviously makes for a really unhygienic area. The worst thing is that you mostly tend to ignore the dust and probably sleep there itself.

Basic cleanliness

Image Source: www.std-gov.org

2They turn


You probably know that food particles however small, turn and gets spoilt. Same goes for grease and stains and liquids which tend to smell, which is of course not ideal. If you have a big bed, crumbs often don't fall over or go anywhere. Since most people don't dust their beds at all the crumbs are a hazard.

They turn

Image Source: media4.s-nbcnews.com

3Do you change your sheets?


A report in the Esquire states that we must change our sheets once a month at least. But for a healthier pattern we must change our sheets once a week. Some experts advocate changing sheets every other day but of course, that's a hassle for most people.

Do you change your sheets?

Image Source: i2-prod.mirror.co.uk

4Why should we change sheets


Changing bed sheets is not just about food crumbs or stains. When we sleep on a bed our body passes gas and other germs which stay on the sheets. Unless we clean or change our sheets on a regular basis we sleep amidst the germs and that obviously makes for a dangerous lifestyle choice.

making bed

Image Source: topnews.in

5The germs attract bugs


Besides the mess, the crumbs and food particles also attract bugs and roaches. These insects often inhabit the space and find their way to your pillows. Needless to say, bug-infested pillows are a huge health hazard. The germs also can't be good for your pets.

The germs attract bugs

Image Source: hips.hearstapps.com

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