3Putting you down
When you find your partner constantly insulting and belittling you, you must bring this to his/her notice. It is not right to tolerate people that use sarcasm as a weapon in their conversations. The same goes for being excessively critical of you or your work. Learn to say No to this kind of behavior so that your partner knows what is acceptable to you and what is not.

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Jealousy is an unhealthy trait in relationships and must not be tolerated. If you find your partner being jealous of your achievements or any other thing that you possess, know that the relationship is still at a superficial level. This would require you to talk things over with your partner and should you find them unrelenting, don’t hesitate to choose what’s best for you.
All relationships travel on a rocky boat at some time or the other. While it is okay to feel upset and angry for a while, it is not certainly not right to use physical violence at these times. There are some people that use violence as a natural form of reaction to situations. This should never be accepted at any cost. Tolerating any form of physical abuse is akin to being party to your own destruction.

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6Unhealthy competition
Competition between loved ones should never reach a point where it turns into a rivalry. Whether it is connected to the professional field or concerned with any other expertise, it is not good to compete beyond a certain point. Remember, a couple must always look in the same direction as far as possible. Even in the event of any differences coming to light, they should be resolved amicably.
7Forced physical intimacy
Longing for physical intimacy in a romantic relationship is normal. What is not normal is when one partner tries to coerce the other into any kind of physical intimacy. The wishes of both partners must be respected.

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