7You dream of other lovers
Of course, we’re all going to dream of other lovers once in a while. That’s just who we are. We can easily use our imagination for worse things than imaginary lovers. However, this shouldn’t be a habit.
This isn’t really a form of cheating, but it is a sign of a possible emotional disconnection from your partner. This doesn’t mean that you no longer love each other, but is just an issue that you need to openly discuss with your partner.

Image Source: huffingtonpost.com
8You lie about your finances
The problem with money is that some people believe it’s not something you can control. Plenty of billionaires got married when they were just sleeping in their offices. They’re still married and they’re no longer struggling with money problems.
According to a poll that surveyed some 23,000 online users, more than 60% both women and men find financial infidelity to be as disgraceful as a physical affair.

Image Source: www.mckinleyirvin.com
9You don’t stand up for your partner
We’ve seen couples with fancy and super expensive weddings that got divorced. We’ve seen couples with awesome Instagram photos that looked like they were meant for each other, but they weren’t. At the end of the day, relationship is all about having someone to rely on and of course support the person you love when things get rough.

Image Source: medicalnewstoday.com
This is even worse than complaining to someone else about your partner. What happens between the two of you should stay between the two of you, especially if it’s an unresolved issue. No one likes to when their privacy is exposed to people by someone they trust and love.

Image Source: bahaiteachings.org