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15 Ideas to Keep Your Marriage Entertaining and Exciting

By Judy Robinson, 9 May 2018


6Go Out with Friends


Apart from giving your spouse the attention they need, it is important for you to give other relationships, outside your marriage, equal importance. Go out with your friends whenever you can, to give you a better insight into your marriage. Not only will you have a good time, but the distance can make things more romantic.

Hangout with Friends

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7Choose your Words Wisely


There are certain things you should never ask or tell your spouse, for which reason you will need to choose your words wisely. They love you, but that does not mean you say whatever you want, and not have to deal with the repercussions.

Choose your Words Wisely.

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8Take the Initiative


A lot of problems start because either spouse is not willing to take the initiative. It can be something as simple as washing the dishes. The more you go out of your way to do things, the better the chances of evading unnecessary fights in the long run.

Watching tv

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9Practice Letting Go


No matter how much something your wife has done has riled you, practice letting go. This does not mean you can’t talk about it, but don’t make an issue out of it. If you have a question, put it forward. Once you get an answer, put the issue to rest once and for all.

Practice Letting Go

Image Source: pixabay.com

10Be Kind


At some point in time during a marriage, you may take advantage of your beloved. This is because you think they love you so you can get away with it. Avoid taking advantage of your partner. Think of ways you can make them feel special. Always be kind to them to be treated like never before.

Making love sign

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