After getting married, couples are plunged into the fears of losing their partner to a strange person. Such fear is expected, but easy to alleviate.
One of the fears in marriages is that of losing one's partner, and reading on how to prevent such nightmare is unprohibited, so, either you live in Denver or Boulder, expert marriage counselors are available to give you the best practical advice on how to protect your marriage.
Marriages might spark up as a result of a lot of considerations from the two personalities involved, these considerations probably include love, finance, and trust. But after marriage, some factors make the considerations and conditions thaw. This brings about drawing up relevant strategies on protecting your marriage.
1Reveal your Expectations as a Couple
Telling your partner what you expect as a couple may require some courage but it is expected of you to do so. Draw boundaries if it is necessary. Marriage Counseling in Boulder have emphasized the dangers of social media in marriages for instance. Define your culture on social media as a couple and you would not have to still your partner's phone to know what they do there. If you don't want your partner to chat with opposite gender on social media, come up straight about it.

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Make your Spouse a Priority
Yes, this is what makes unions last. Making your spouse a priority over everyone and everything else makes them to appreciate you. This is one of the recommendations of marriage counseling in Boulder and other professionals. This is what makes marriages a happy experience.
Improve on Your Bedroom Life
Your bedroom has a lot of spiritual, emotional and psychological impact on not only you but also your marriage. Your bedroom is very essential to rebuilding your love, proving it and protecting it against all sorts of harms within and without. It is where you iron things out as marriage counselling experts in Boulder have recommended.
Know your Spouse fully
Experienced marriage therapists in Boulder have seen occasions where spouses do not know people close to their partners. This may sound strange but it is what happens. Know who your spouse walks with, attend parties together with them when your partner is around, but don't forget to set boundaries when necessary.

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2Don't be Alone with Opposite Gender
Love and jealousy work hand-in-hand. Your spouse might try to ignore it, but seeing you with opposite sex too many times can be dangerous to your relationship. Such experiences accumulate in one's mind until they feel like pouring them all out at the apex of frustration. Relationship counselors in Boulder have advised against and classified the act of being comfortable with the opposite gender alone as the source of bitterness among spouses.
Open up to each other
Emphasis from marriage counseling in Boulder has been on the necessity that spouses should open up to each other about everything. Except a secret is coming as a surprise gift, the word should be alien to your dictionary. Love does not go with keeping secrets and when you open up to your partner, you solidify the trust between you.
All in all, protect your marriage by treating your partner as you want to be treated. This is the chief law of love and healthy relationships. Love your spouse so hard your friends laugh at you about it.