3Dibutyl Phtalate
This increases the scent of the nail polish and its fragrance. It is a highly dangerous component that can put one at risk of endocrine disorders, respiratory tract infection and gynecological disease.
Research studies involving 24 women who had painted their nails observed that even after 6 hours, the participants displayed increased levels of diphenyl phosphate (a derivative of triphenyl phosphate) formed in the metabolic process. Within 10 hours the levels of diphenyl phosphate increased to 7 times beyond the acceptable limits and that’s extremely worrying.

Image Source: www.swatchandlearn.com
4How to choose a safe nail polish that won’t mess with your health
Nail polish brands have certain special markings such as:
5 - FREE: This means the product is formaldehyde free and is also free from formaldehyde derivatives such as formaldehyde resins, toluene, dibutylphthalates and camphor.
3-FREE: This means that the product is free from formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and toluene. Always pay special attention to your nail polish because it is your health in your hands. Today health concerns have led to several standard brands manufacturing nail color free from nail polish toxins. Always check levels before making a purchase.

Image Source:www.yposts.com