Cauliflower may be white in color but it is high in nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that combined make a powerful weapon to fight disease. Cauliflower is a rich source of vitamin C, K, folate and fiber. In one serving of cauliflower, you get only 25 calories.

Image Source: nutriliving-images.imgix.net
Almost all lettuce such as iceberg or romaine will give you just 10 to 20 calories per serving. Lettuce may not contain much protein but it will definitely give you several nutrients like vitamins A and C, iron, and folate.

Image Source: food.fnr.sndimg.com
Who doesn’t like an orange, but to enjoy the benefits of an orange, it’s best to eat fresh oranges rather than drink packaged orange juice which has higher sugar content. Oranges are rich in vitamin c that produces more collagen in your skin and fighting free radicals that damage the skin cells. It increases skin elasticity and radiance. Oranges are a low-calorie meal with only 8-0 calories to a medium-size orange. The pith which is the white part under the skin is also high in fiber and can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar.

Image Source: www.specialtyproduce.com
Strawberries are one of the best foods for polyphenol which are potent antioxidants. Strawberries are also packed with vitamin C and a rich source of potassium and fiber. The added benefit of strawberries is that they are sodium free and contain no cholesterol. One cup strawberries contain 50 calories but to gain the benefit of the fruit, you shouldn’t be adding cream.

Image Source: stack.com
15 Honeydew melon
One honeydew lemon contains 64 calories but that’s mostly from the sugar in the fruit. There is 14 grams of natural sugar in one honeydew melon but you needn’t worry about that. Honeydew melon provides you more than 50% of your RDA of vitamin C and copper that is also vital for skin health.

Image Source: livestrongcdn.com