These days we have an alarming rate of divorce and breakups because we chose to ignore the red flags and subtle hints at the very beginning of a relationship. Divorce lawyers and psychologists have ingeniously formed a way to detect the potential problem triggers on the basis of personality traits of the partners. They can clearly see the signs of minor upsets which couples can rectify immediately and also the major glitches which are bound to create serious problems in the future leading to separations. And by being an expert, they can also predict all this from the very first date which could be good advice for you.
Get familiar enough to ask your date these questions
In order to help new lovers, Here are some crucial questions advised by the experts that should be asked on a first date. These objective questions which if answered honestly can help you gain some insight into the future of the relationship without entertaining any delusions about it.
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1Are You Married?
Many people, especially women feel awkward asking a blunt question about the singlehood of their potential partners which is foolishness. There is nothing rude about being direct with the person who plans to spend time with you.
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If they evade answers
If the answer to the question is evasive such as “it’s complicated,” or “we are going to get divorced soon” or a non-committal answer like “we are separated”, it means according to Divorce attorney Randall M. Kessler that the man is playing double with you and he is not free for a devoted relationship at all right now. Stay away from him till he gets his personal mess clear and comes without any past baggage.
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2Do you make your bed in the morning?
According to Danielle Kepler, a family psychologist, this trait reveals the priorities of people whether its tidiness and cleanliness or time? Do they prefer cleaning their house and making their bed before heading off to work or a date? Do they prefer a laid-back attitude or fast paced lives? The question also reveals if your date is an early bird or late riser and what activities they like doing in the morning.
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3Do rely on your intuition or do you like reading reviews instead?
This is a make or break question as it will really decide the longevity of your relationship. This question reveals whether your partner is intuitive or sensitive and most importantly how much you are you compatible with them.
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Are they the fussy type or the carefree type?
Some people are over fussy about making smallest of decisions reading hundred of reviews before making one while others go with a flow without much deliberation. They may tend to book a hotel without even reading reviews about it. If either of these attitudes perturbs you, change the partner immediately to avoid the further pain of living together.
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