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10 Differences Between Being In Love and Being Attached To Someone

By Meera Kaushal, 3 May 2018


4Love is forever, attachment is transient


True love has that power that it can survive the passage of time. When a relationship is based on love, nothing can break a couple. But even if you break-up, you always have a special place for them in your heart and wish them well. This just doesn’t happen when there is only attachment. After a break-up you feel betrayed and even hold a grudge against them.

Love is forever

Image Source: inspirems.co

5Love is growing, attachment is encumbering


In love, you and your partner grow together to become the best versions of yourselves. Both of you stimulate each other’s growth.

couple on date

Image Source: www.rd.com

In case of attachment, there is an urge to control the other person. You just feel dependent on them and are not able to solve your own problems, which also restricts the growth of the other person in the relationship.

sitting on beach

Image Source aol.com

6Love is difficult; attachment is light


When you part ways from a person you were in love with, you are left with a heaviness and deep sadness in your heart. But this doesn’t happen in attachment as you don’t really feel pain. You are able to move-on faster from a relationship in which only attachment was there.

Love is difficult

Image Source: bustle.com

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