11Apart from couples, youngsters can also put on weight
As per a research, there’s one more stage in which youngsters gain considerable weight and it’s when they leave home for education, job, etc. According to a US study, their weight was increased by 3.5lb to 7.8lb in a couple of terms at university and probable reasons for this were junk food consumption, increase in drinking and spending a lot of time while sitting when working on computers.

Image Source: fyidoctors.com
12Consequences of gaining weight
According to Andrea L. Meltzer, a psychologist who led the research, couples need be more careful and attentive if they are getting fatter as it will result in a number of health issues like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. Hence they are required to keep a check on their lifestyle and make sure that they balance their weight which is necessary from not only the perspective of looks but the health viewpoint as well.

Image Source: cimg3.ibsrv.net
13Partners can tackle weight-gain issue together
As partners gain weight together, they can also tackle this issue together. The weight-loss journey becomes easier, more interesting and inspiring when you have someone’s company. You just need to make some changes in lifestyle and habits. For instance, the time you spend in cuddling can be spent in romantic walks, exercise or workouts. Many couples have transformed themselves from fat to fit and set an example for the world to get inspired.

Image Source: www.bonobology.com
14Opt for fitness dates
Couples can go for fitness dates instead of going to a movie or having dinner at a restaurant that will eventually increase your intake of calories. How about a picnic or outdoor hike where only fresh fruits and light snacks are allowed? Sounds healthy, doesn’t it? You can become a source of inspiration for your partner and vice-versa so always suggest a healthy idea over an unhealthy one.

Image Source: i.pinimg.com
15Stop tempting each other for foods which have more calories
If your partner has made up mind of living a healthy lifestyle, don’t try to tempt or force him/her by offering a slice of cheesy pizza or anything which is high in calories and instead try to give a company in the calorie-conscious diet so that you both stay fit and healthy.

Image Source: images.interactives.dk