There are several benefits of being in a happy relationship; for instance, you always have someone to share your feelings with, you don’t need to call your friends and see whether they are free to go out or not as you have the company of your lover, there is someone to give you a soft massage after a hectic day, you can have a great time cuddling with your partner, and so on.
However, there is one drawback of being in a relationship too as a couple has more chances of gaining weight than the ones who are single. Yes, that’s correct! You may have not observed it but the researches which have been conducted are endorsing this fact.
1Research by Southern Methodist University in Dallas
The Southern Methodist University, Dallas, carried out a four-year long research in which 169 couples were studied and the findings revealed that they have more chances of gaining weight than those who are single. However, the research was not able to come up with the exact reason behind this phenomenon.

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2Research at University of Queensland, Australia
This research focused on women only and studied 6,458 women for a period of 10 years. As per the results, women in the age group of 20-30 years who are either happily married or in a happy relationship but without kids tend to gain weight more than the singles. On an average, 4 pounds per year is gained by such women.

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3Research at Central Queensland University, Australia
A study was done to find out whether being in relationship leads to healthy lifestyle. The research was carried on 15,000 adults out of whom more than 75% were romantically involved. The average age was 52 years and the data was collected for a period of 9 years (2005-2014). As per the research, people who are in a relationship follow healthy lifestyle but still their body mass indices are more than singles.

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4Newlyweds have more chances of gaining weight
According to the research done by University of Glasgow, the newlyweds have high chances of gaining weight as they start a new journey together. The findings revealed that on an average, newlyweds gain 4lb to 5lb in the first year of their marriage. This happens because they skip other activities to spend more time together and food becomes an important part of their lives as they share meals, go out for dinner more often, etc.

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5Changes in lifestyle
When two people start living together, some changes come in their lifestyles as they need to adjust according to each other’s needs. From eating habits to sleeping routine of a person, everything goes through a change. If the relationship is troubled, it may result in weight-loss but on the contrary, if there are love and affection, the probability of the couple gaining weight increases.

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