11 You don’t break each other down but pick each other up
Your partner appears to have mastered the skill of balancing their own burdens along with yours. You, too, may have acquired and mastered this skill after being together for so long. They’ll be honest with you when you’ve done something wrong, but they’ll never put you down. You listen to their advice and implement it to become a better person.

Img Src: goodmenproject.com
12 You each listen to what the other has to say
Yes, your communication skills are top-notch, but you need to practice listening more than speaking. Nothing in the world, even your own perspective, counts when your partner speaks. So as a way to strengthen your relationship, you take advantage of the opportunity to get to know your partner’s thoughts and feelings when they speak to you. Similarly, they keenly listen to whatever you say when you talk.

Img Src: akamaized.net
13 You and your partner are both willing to forgive each other
For a relationship to succeed, it needs two people who are able to forgive quickly, according to Dr. Rob Pascale and Lou Primavera of Psychology Today. Holding on to resentment is a waste of time because arguments and fights only lead to more pain. However, your relationship will endure because of both of your ability to forgive each other when things go wrong. To get through this, you talk it out with each other instead of holding grudges.

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14 You are each other’s most ardent supporter and most vocal cheerleader
They’re the first to congratulate you when you do something noteworthy, such as graduating from college or landing a new job. They’ll either take you out to dinner for your birthday or plan a surprise party for you. Just knowing that they’re rooting for you and encouraging you from the sidelines gives you a sense of security and happiness.

Img Src: newshunt360.com
15 Staying in love is a priority since you can’t imagine life without them
You’ll be lonely without them if they have to leave town for business or other reasons. When you’re together, you’re always around each other. Being around each feels so natural since your connection is so strong. So, it seems strange and as if something is missing when they’re gone.

Img Src: relationshipnetwork.com