6 Your partner is the first person you want to go to when you’re in a bad situation
The world can be terrible at times, and you want to flee and hide from it. So who better to turn to than your significant other when you face such situations? Because you have faith in them, your partner is the first person you turn to when you have problems. They’ll be there to lend you a shoulder to cry on and empathize with you. All of your problems seem to vanish in their arms when you’re with them.

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7 You call each other by nicknames
You start using nicknames once you’ve built up a certain level of trust with each other. Having “pet names” for each other confirms your profound understanding of one another. Dr Suzanne Degges from Psychology Today says that giving each other a nickname indicates a close attachment. It’s a phrase of endearment used to express affection and kindness.

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8 You may have flaws, but your partners see them as your strengths
Your lover will see your imperfections as virtues because they love everything about you. Others may think you’re too loud or overbearing, but that’s exactly what makes you successful in business, in your partner’s opinion. Even your flaws are seen as wonderful when they look at you with affection.

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9 They belong to you and are your “person”
Dr. Meredith Grey and Dr. Cristina Yang’s friendship in Grey’s Anatomy television drama inspired the phrase “My person.” They became good friends while interning at a major medical center. After all the hardships and difficulties they faced, they just became closer.
But you refer to one another as “my person” when talking about your relationship. There is an unbreakable tie between you and your partner when the both of you use this term of endearment. Your person can connect with you on a level that no one else has or ever will. They’re the kind of people you want by your side because they’re honest, even when you’re wrong.

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10 Knowing what your partner is thinking
The two of you have some kind of system with each other where you know what the other is thinking. Since you can read each other’s minds without uttering a word, staying in love becomes a lot easier. You use this skill so frequently that you’ve honed this ability to a fine point. Even if you’re in a room full of people, just a glance at your partner will let you know what they’re thinking.
Doctor Madeleine A. Fugère of Psychology Today says it’s a quality derived from familiarity known as “superior empathic accuracy” (PEA). Couples who are able to communicate with each other in this way have better relationships.

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