9 Find some new things to do
Getting involved in things that interest you, like a hobby you always wanted to take up, is a great way to get over a love that wasn’t returned. Why don’t you join a bowling team or a fitness class? The key is to keep yourself busy so you don’t have much time to think about how broken your heart is.

Img Src: medimetry.com
10 Add some spice to your love life
Love is a great feeling, but moving on with someone is the only way to get over someone else. It’s a great journey through life to fall in love with someone. Stop wasting your time on someone who isn’t ready for a relationship, either emotionally or physically. Instead, put your time and energy into someone who is.

Img Src: pikiran-rakyat.com
11 Be their friend but keep your heart safe
You must be secretly in love with the person if you’ve decided it’s best not to tell them how you feel. But there’s no rule that says you can’t be their friend. You might not be able to get rid of them completely right now. So, do what you can to be a friendly part of their life. No one needs to know how you feel, and you can keep that to yourself.

Img Src: blogspot.com
12 Write yourself a letter and burn it
An old psychological trick to overcome sadness or anger is to write a letter to yourself about everything that hurt you, then burn the letter. It’s a sign that will help you move on. Say to yourself that you’re sorry you got involved in such a mean game. The important thing is to use this act to forgive yourself for what you’ve done.

Img Src: istockphoto.com
13 Don’t ask questions can hurt your self-esteem or self-confidence
When you finally get the courage to talk to this person about how you feel, you don’t want to put them in a bad situation. For instance, avoid questions like:
- Are you ever going to love me?
- What’s wrong with me?
- Am I good enough?
- Why can’t you love me instead?
These are useless questions; the answers will be hard to give and even harder to get. Don’t ask questions you aren’t ready to answer. You don’t have to beg someone to love you. You want to be with someone who can love you back and is ready, able, and willing to do so.

Img Src: marcandangel.com